Monday, May 7, 2007

Size and Distance of The Planets

1, The largest planet (the sun it NOT a planet) Jupiter with the diameter of 142,000km.

2, The smallest is mercury with the diameter of 4,880km, since Pluto is not considered a planet any more.

3, Venus is nearly the same size of the earth. The earth being 12,800km and Venus being 12,100km.

4, Mars is smaller then earth by 6,000km.

5, Saturn has the ring system.

6, And Jupiter has the most number of moons.(about 62)

7, Mimas is around Saturn.

8, Huygens-Cassini landed on Saturns largest moon, called Titan.

9, The picture on the top right corner is the surface of Mars. The surface of Mars is a red-rusty color covered in rocks.

11, Th great Red Spot is on jupiter >>

12, In 1994 on July 16-22 fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy hit the surface of Jupiter. Earth could easily be swallowed .

10, The pictures below show Venus's surface.

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