Monday, February 5, 2007

Science Safety

Duffs survey writes about all the reasons for grade nines large amount of accidents happen in the article "Where and Why Science Accidents Occur." He writes reasons why grade nines have the largest number of accidents compared to all classes in junior and senior high school, and the solutions to the problem.
Duff three main reasons of why grade nines have the large amounts of hazards are because of overcrowding classes, immaturity, and the down points of younger classes.The overcrowding of the classrooms are because of the large amounts of students. This is why classes are changed into an ordinary class not meant for science, not requiring the equipment science classes need for safety. This has happened a few times and is a big possibility for the lower classes large amounts of accidents. The students immaturity is also a great motive, which is said by teachers to be a definite one. Though I question if this is an accurate, for grade nines are not the only ones how have trouble concentrating, understanding, and reading the directions. Therefore it be more thinkable to have said that grade eights are the immature ones. Then Duff writes of the down points of lower classes. Not only do more then 50% of the teachers lack work experience, but also curriculum is second hand from higher grades. This means weakly written laboratory instructions. Amazingly we hesitate to think that grade nines have had more accidents then other classes. Duffs three main reasons of grade nines large amounts of accidents are because of the overcrowding of the classes, immaturity, and the lower classes down points.
Duff then writes about the three main solutions to the problems grade nines are causing by, students reading pre-labs, giving pretests, and making sure they understand. The pretest should be read out by the students and questions almost to be required. When students are asked to read out they seem to understand and pay attention to what is said. Another possibility is to pretest them on the technique, procedure, and safety of the laboratory. It can be harsh to students giving them low grades, but they must realize the danger of how important it is to understand the safety. Lastly, the one most significant is making sure the students understand the safety rules. This can save accidents from happening. Duff's solutions of the large amount of problems grade nines cause are students reading pre-labs, giving them pretests, and making sure they understand safety rules.
Larry Duff's survey writes why grade nines have the largest amount of problems compared to all other levels throughout junior and Senior high school, and the solutions. He has written it in an article called, "Where and Why Science Accidents Happen."

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